June 29, 2010

Locating and using digital images

This is my collection of digital images on the theme of Old & New Literacies.  I created it using digital images obtained from five sources: screenshot, CD collection, free web-based source, scanner, and my own digital camera.  I hope you like it!

Collecting digital images from a variety of sources reminds me of how easy it is these days to obtain visuals for teaching and learning.  I used to own an expensive (and buggy) desktop publishing software with a clip art collection in it.  I used it a lot to create classroom materials, posters, and student hand outs.  My options were pretty limited back then. 

Today, I would still prefer to take and use my own photos or (if I was more artistically inclined) to draw my own illustrations and visual aids, but when those are not options, there are tons of ways to access free and legal images for teaching and instruction.  I am compiling many of my favorite web-based image and visualization tools at my TPTE 486 course site.

What are your favorite ways to obtain and use digital images for instruction?

June 10, 2010

Web evaluation resources

I love the resources provided by Alan November at November Learning.  His collection of free Information Literacy Resources is awesome.