September 11, 2016

Draft from the past: Whiteboard blues

So, sometimes I start blog posts and abandon them for some inexplicable reason. They sit on my Blogger dashboard.  Here is one from Summer 2009:

What does a summer-school lecturer (me) do at a major, state-funded, flagship university (the
University of Tennessee-Knoxville) when she wants to capture and concretize her classroom ramblings and has no effective medium through which to do so? Interactive whiteboard? Anyone?. . . Anyone??

Well, in the absence of an interactive whiteboard — and there is NOT A ONE in the entire UT college of education building, at least that I know of — I did the next best thing. I took a picture of my class notes with my phone, sent the image to myself, and then used a web-based visualization tool to smooth out the rough edges.

I transformed this:
My June 15, 2009, whiteboard notes

Into this:

Diagram made in Webspiration

Not too shabby, huh?

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