July 12, 2009

Digital storytelling with iMovie

In the technology course for preservice teachers that I am facilitating this summer, we spent the past week creating digital stories with iMovie. Here is the story I created. I like it. What do you think?



  1. [...] with iMovie. Here is the story I created. I like it. What do you think? … View post:  Digital storytelling with iMovie « ThinkTime Object July 13th [...]

  2. Is this what we will be learning further down the line? Does it work for all computers or are teachers limited with what they may use?

  3. Yes, you all will be creating something similar using iMovie. In schools with PCs, I think teachers would probably find ready access to MovieMaker software. It's really just a slideshow with a soundtrack, so you could even make something similar in MS PowerPoint. iMovie and MovieMaker are video editors, of course, but we don't have time in 486 to go that deep into multimedia production. All you are required to do is use still photos to tell a story.

    The only limit to digital storytelling for teachers that I can think of is once you make a show, how do you share it and with whom? Web hosting of video can be tricky because the files are large, plus when you add images of children you have to make sure everyone has a media waiver on file with parental consent. Then there is the consideration of copyright when you add music. We will study copyright this week.

    Outside of those factors, there are tons of ways to create a digital story even without iMovie or MovieMaker. Web-based tools are often free and content is hosted for you. Alan Levine has a great wiki on the subject and has compiled a list of 50 tools for digital storytelling.


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