"Find exactly what you need from our 60,000 famous quotations, aphorisms, proverbs, and quips. Cite your bibliography with the thoroughness that you would expect from an authoritative reference source. "
"Quote4Fun's generator provides you with a blank canvas, lots of images and all kinds of fonts...."
"Quozio turns meaningful words into beautiful images in seconds. Then share 'em on Facebook, Pinterest, email and more! "
Infographics of Students' Reading History | Edutopia
"What if I could combine my students' fresh knowledge of visual notetaking and infographics with an analysis of their reading lives? What would they learn about themselves as readers? What would they learn about each other?"
7 Academic Search Engines Not Named Google
"...[B]y using Google students and teachers are unwittingly bending to the will of webmasters who are experts at SEO (search engine optimization), which can mean that you find what they want you to find rather than what you really need....Thankfully, there are options for 21st century learners. If you have a need for specific, niche academic material, here are 100 databases and search indexes. If, however, you want an academic search engine analogous to Google itself, 6 appear below."
The Daily Routines of Famous Writers | Brain Pickings
a handful of writing routines from favorite authors, culled from diaries, interviews, and the Paris Review archives
Education Week: Into the Common Core: One Classroom's Journey
"As an English/language arts teacher in the common-core era, Ms. McNair-Lee is part of a huge national push to turn millions of students into strong readers and writers. In its second year of K-12 implementation in literacy, the District of Columbia is farther along than many in putting the standards into practice. But it also faces long odds as it works to help its largely disadvantaged student population master them."
Open letter from NCTE president requesting moratorium on high-stakes testing
"The following letter from Sandy Hayes, president of the National Council of Teachers of English to organization members, supports a moratorium on the high-stakes consequences of standardized tests aligned to the Common Core State Standards. ....Hayes also details five ways to help improve literacy that would be better investments than more high-stakes tests."
Building a foundation to study distributed information behaviour
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
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