Top 10 Ways to Turn Your Classroom into a Hotbed of Enthusiastic Readers [from the Nerdy Book Club]
practices that get kids excited about reading
No Child Left Untableted [from the NYTimes.com]
To one-to-one tablet initiatives exemplify "several dubious American habits now ascendant: the overvaluing of technology and the undervaluing of people; the displacement of face-to-face interaction by virtual connection; the recasting of citizenship and inner life as a commodified data profile; the tendency to turn to the market to address social problems"?
7 Things You Should Know About [the series from EDUCAUSE.edu]
"Use these quick reads to get essential information on emerging technologies and practices, including potential implications and opportuntities. These resources are great to share with teams or faculty considering a new technology."
50 Ways to Use Wikis for a More Collaborative and Interactive Classroom | Smart Teaching
"Wikis are an exceptionally useful tool for getting students more involved in curriculum. They’re often appealing and fun for students to use, while at the same time ideal for encouraging participation, collaboration, and interaction. Read on to see how you can put wikis to work in your classroom."
Kathy Schrock's Guide to Everything
"As an educational technologist, I keep learning each day. As I develop new presentations or interests, I create a page of support resources and this site will serve as the entry point to these links, ideas, tips, and tricks!"
Text Complexity [from Dr. Hiebert's TextProject site]
This page gives a good, basic overview of text complexity and the role of core standards in elevating this issue in classrooms. Freddy Hiebert includes two quick videos that elaborate in under two minutes each 1) the definition of text complexity and 2) the difference between accessible (and appropriately complex) texts and "dumbed down" texts.
Lunch Is Served [OpEd for educators from the Graphic Novel Reporter]
"Jarrett Krosoczka is the bestselling author of the Lunch Lady series, which includes Lunch Lady and the Summer Camp Shakedown and Lunch Lady and the League of Librarians. As part of his current Lunch Lady Blog Tour, we invited him to discuss how comics can be incorporated into classrooms and used as effective learning tools."
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
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