From the BlogDay web site:
BlogDay was created with the belief that bloggers should have one day dedicated to getting to know other bloggers from other countries and areas of interest. On that day Bloggers will recommend other blogs to their blog visitors. With the goal in mind, on this day every blogger will post a recommendation of 5 new blogs. This way, all blog readers will find themselves leaping around and discovering new, previously unknown blogs.
So, here are five interesting blogs:
- Mr. Harrington is an IT coordinator in Wales and the author of Ddraig Goch Blog. I have been reading his posts for a few weeks now, and in that short time he's pointed me to some excellent web-based tools and resources. His blog reflects playful exuberance. You gotta love someone whose user name on del.icio.us is "podfather"!
- I recently stumbled upon Melanie McBride Online while poking around Technorati. Melanie is a Toronto-based writer, producer, and educator. Her thoughtful and well-constructed post titled "Wired students, wired appoaches" caught my eye, as did this 2002 review of a Marshall McLuhan biography, which is also linked to on her site. Her passion for interactive social media shines through. It's good to learn how folks in other cultures and communities are pioneering the tools of the read/write web.
- News from the Church Down the Street is a collection of memories, musings, reflections, and reviews by my good friend Audrey, who also happens to be a minister. I highlight her blog not to proselytize -- I just want to highlight that young people entering ministry are networking and supporting each other through blogs in the same manner as the education community. It's truly wonderful.
- Sivacracy is one of the first blogs I started reading regularly, mainly because its author, Siva Vaidhyanathan, is an old college buddy of my husband's. Following his undergrad years at the University of Texas-Austin, Siva went on to earn a reputation as a leading media historian and authority on intellectual property law in the digital age. In his books Copyrights and Copywrongs and The Anarchist in the Library, he explores the technology-fueled tension between grassroots creative production and the big-time digital gatekeepers. His blog is an excellent resource for keeping up with these issues; it also includes a lot of left-leaning political posts and humorous tidbits. If you are interested in popular culture, technology, creative license, and bashing the Bush administration, check out Sivacracy.
- I found Michael Zimmer's blog via Sivacracy and started subscribing to it because of his decidedly cynical stance regarding all things Google. The tag cloud on Zimmer's home page says it all!
That's what I think. . . happy reading!

Happy Blog DAy !! Wow this is fun i get to see and read blogs from all over the world !!
ReplyDeleteHey! Thanks for the shoutout!
ReplyDeleteHope we can see each other again soon.
Hi there from The Podfather :) - thanks for the shout out BlogDay is a cool thing to do...... take care
ReplyDeleteThanks for the link.
I'm glad that you enjoyed the quote, and that it produced some discussion here on your blog.
Happy Blog Day.